Guaranteed Rental Income
When leasing your property to us, you have guaranteed income for the duration of the lease, no headaches with tenants not paying on time, no worries about a tenant losing their job. You will receive a stress free guaranteed rent cheque every month
Less Wear & Tear ...
Your property will be cleaned by our cleaning staff almost daily, many landlords are in shock after a 2 year long tenant moves out and they see the condition of the property. Our cleaning staff makes sure the property is always in A+ condition daily for our guests.

Multiple Units? No Problem
We sign multi year long leases for 5-10 units at once which saves you the cost/time of finding a different tenant for each unit and collecting payment from multiple different people. If your looking to sell your apartment/multi-family and have vacant units give us a call and we will fill them that way you can get a higher Cap Rate on your sale.